Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Throne sets the Tone

Today's worship focus is taken from Isaiah 6. Isaiah, here, describes a vision he had of the Lord sitting upon his throne. He describes the seraphims and the creatures around the throne praising the one who sits on it. The throne and all the splendor of the throne room draws a humble response from Isaiah's lips. "Woe is me for I am lost." When confronted with the wonder and splendor of who God is in His holiness, Isaiah sees clearly his sinfulness and unworthiness. The throne of God ought always to be a scene of wonder for the Christian. It ought to always bring us to our knees and help us to realize our depravity. 

When we worship in light of the throne our worship will be humble and reverential. Our hearts and minds will be filled with the wonder and splendor of who God is in Himself. So as we approach the throne this morning, allow the throne of God to set the tone of our worship. Let the holiness of God affect our hearts and let the splendor of God motivate us to praise Him and worship Him with all that we possess.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for this, Steve! Great thoughts! I always read this passage and walk away so humbled and challenged by God's holiness and my response to it! This is true for all of life as well! We have to constantly keep ourselves gazing upon the holy character of our God so as to humble ourselves and so that we will live in light of Calvary! :-)
